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Corporate Social Responsability

A new mentality for a better future

aLL Global Project Management has always been a company concerned with the well-being of its stakeholders and of society in general. In addition, the protection of the environment and the sustainable development of society has been one of its main business axes, an example is the commitment to BREEAM that has been made in the company. Compliance with legislation and regulations in both the sector and the environment is a central point in the organization, so aLL Global Project Management has decided to create a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan to share it with all its employees and other Stakeholders, in order to show to the society the values of the company and thus be able to work with clients and suppliers with similar values.

CSR Master Plan

The CSR Master Plan reflects the objectives and principles of the company in the development of its activity and in the interaction with the different Stakeholders.

CSR Objectives:

The company must be respectful of people, communities, the environment and society.

Higher productivity

The improvement of the conditions of the employees and suppliers is materialized in an increase in the efficiency of the company. In addition, talent is also retained, thus reducing staff turnover in the company.

Customer satisfaction

Transmitting customer trust by giving them a place where they can express their needs and complaints, as well as showing the ethics of the company and its partners.

Corporate Social Responsibility with


Create an environment of equality.

Respect and promote social and cultural diversity in the company.

Promote the development of the staff, through the professional career and offering promotion possibilities.

Actively collaborate with the rest of the departments of the company using all the means at their disposal.

Social Responsibility with


1. Know the degree of fulfilment of deliveries to our customers by conducting satisfaction surveys.

Guarantee communication, transparency and total satisfaction.

Ensure the confidentiality of our clients' data and the projects developed for them.

Comply with the rules and regulations established for each activity.

Social Responsibility with


Work with suppliers that are aligned with aLL GPM codes of ethics and conduct.

Use good practices when working with suppliers.

aLL GPM is an environmentally conscious company

Environmental Policy

The operating processes of the company are not very harmful to the environment, but, in any case, the company and its employees want to do their bit. For this reason, we call ourselves an “EcoFriendly” company.

The commitment to protect the environment comes from the desire to maintain a healthy planet for future generations. As a company, we are committed to the development of the BREEAM, PASSIVHAUS and LEED certifications in the projects developed by our clients, which are tools for sustainable construction. But the actions developed in the company can not only remain in those related to the activity, but taking daily actions is a fundamental factor for the protection of the environment.

ALL GPM’s environmental policy is summarized in the following points:

Compliance with and respect for environmental legislation.

Minimize the use of resources, reducing the use of paper and energy, complying with recycling and seeking efficient solutions.

Involve all company employees in meeting environmental objectives.

Promote the use of BREAAM, PASSIVHAUS and LEED certifications in the projects in which the LL GPM participates.


Sustainability Certifications

aLL GPM contributes to improving the level of sustainability of buildings in Spain by promoting the best practices and technologies available in the market. We consider the environmental, social, ethical and financial impacts of the decisions we make, implementing international certifications such as BREAAM, PASSIVHAUS and LEED throughout the value chain.

We have a professional team that masters the key concepts of the methodology and the certification system after passing a specific official training. aLL Global Project Management, as a company associated with BREEAM, is committed to the principles and good practices of sustainable construction, accrediting annual training in the field of sustainability before the certifying body.

Types of sustainability Certificates

BREEAM® (BRE Environmental Assessment Method)

It is the most widely used certificate in the world. It evaluates impacts in 10 categories (Management, Health and Well-being, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Waste, Ecological use of the soil, Pollution, Innovation) and gives a final weighted score.

LEED® (Leadership in Energy in Environmental Design)

It is the most prestigious standard in the world. It measures the level of environmental and health respect for buildings. It guarantees savings of between 30 and 70% compared to a conventional building.


The Passive House is a construction standard that combines high interior comfort with exceptionally low energy consumption. This standard focuses on minimizing the energy demand of buildings. It achieves savings of up to 80%. It is based on 5 principles: insulation, airtightness, high-performance carpentry, mechanical ventilation and the absence of thermal bridges. The main characteristics are the use of bioclimatic architecture adapted to the home construction region, the use of heat recovery systems and renewable energy, among many other pioneering technologies in sustainable construction.

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